About the Journal

SKULA: Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru Madrasah, is a peer-reviewed journal on education field and intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal is published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup. The editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. SKULA: Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru Madrasah published periodically every May and November (twice a year).

Sekretariat: Umea ' Jurnal IAIN Curup, Jl. Dr. Ak. Gani No. 01, Tel. (0732) 21010 Curup, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu 39119.

Email: skula@iaincurup.ac.id or jurnal.skula@gmail.com

Website: http://studentjournal.iaincurup.ac.id/index.php/skula