Dampak Stres pada Perkembangan Mental Siswa dan Cara Mengatasi


  • Mafahir Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup


Mental Development, Student, Impact, Stress Management, Social Support, Education.


The impact of stress on students' mental development is an important issue in the world of education. Stress can disrupt students' academic progress and emotional well-being, making it a major concern for educators and parents. This article discusses the impact of stress on students' mental development, including common symptoms and their consequences. In addition, we will also explore various ways to deal with student stress, including stress management strategies, social support, and educational approaches that can help students deal with pressure.

Further research and collaborative efforts between educators, psychologists, and parents are essential in identifying effective solutions to address the impact of stress on students' mental development. By understanding these issues more deeply and implementing appropriate measures, we can help students develop strong coping skills and create an educational environment that supports their mental growth.

Stress on students' mental development is an important problem in the world of education. This article highlights the negative impacts of stress, such as disrupting students' academic and emotional well-being. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to implement adequate stress management strategies, social support and educational approaches. Collaboration between educators, psychologists, and parents is necessary to identify effective solutions. With a deeper understanding of students' stress issues and appropriate actions, we can help students overcome stress and build strong coping skills, as well as create an educational environment that supports their mental growth.


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