Pendidikan STEM: Mempersiapkan Siswa untuk Masa Depan yang Teknologi-Centric


  • Mona Viviyanti Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup


STEM Education, Student, Future, Technology-Centric, Science, Technology, STEM Competencies.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has become a major focus in preparing students to face a future increasingly influenced by technology. This article reviews the importance of STEM education as an effort to prepare students to face the challenges of a technology-centric future. With technology continuing to develop, STEM competencies are key in enabling students to develop a deep understanding of science and technology, as well as the skills needed to succeed in an increasingly digital world of work.

We also discuss the best strategies and approaches in integrating STEM education into the school curriculum, as well as the role of teachers in guiding students in understanding and applying STEM concepts. Additionally, this article highlights the challenges and opportunities faced in adopting STEM education, including increasing accessibility and diversity in STEM programs.

By emphasizing the importance of STEM education, it is hoped that students will have a strong foundation in science and technology, as well as the skills necessary to participate in an increasingly technology-centric society, face the challenges of innovation, and create opportunities in an ever-changing world.


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