Pendidikan Inklusif: Mendukung Perkembangan Semua Siswa


  • Deto Alansyah Putra Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup


Inclusive education, Support the development of all students, Principles of inclusion, Inclusive education strategy


Inclusive education is an approach that emphasizes the importance of facilitating the development of all students, including those with special needs, in an inclusive educational environment. This article discusses the concept of inclusive education and how to support the development of all students in it. We explain the principles of inclusion, inclusive education strategies, and their benefits for the social, emotional and academic development of all students. We also discuss the challenges that may be faced in implementing inclusive education and underline the importance of collaboration between educators, students, parents and society in achieving the goals of inclusive education. This article outlines a commitment to inclusive education as an effort to create an educational environment that supports the development of all students, regardless of their background or needs.


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