Penerapan Program Jum’at Taqwa dalam Menanamkan Karakter Religius Peserta didik Di SMKN 4 Kepahiang
religious character, application, Friday Taqwa programAbstract
The school as an institution is responsible for the education of students to achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. To help students understand Islamic Religious Education in more depth so that they can develop good character in students, a Religious Education work program is needed Islam. So with this the school created a program called the Friday Taqwa Program. However, we cannot deny that behind the implementation of the Friday Taqwa Program there are still students who have poor character, this can be seen from the large number of students who lack confidence in carrying out the Friday Taqwa program activities, there are still Students are less polite towards teachers and fellow students, and there are still students who are not disciplined in implementing the rules at school. This research aims to determine the application of Friday Taqwa activities in instilling Religious Character in Students at SMKN 4 Kepahiang. So to answer this problem, qualitative research methods were used. The data collection techniques are carried out through observation and interviews. The results of research on the implementation of Friday Taqwa activities in instilling religious character in students are as follows: The implementation of the Friday Taqwa Program at SMKN 4 Kepahiang is going well, this program is carried out every Friday from 07.30 to 08.30, Through this Friday Taqwa program, students can better reflect their religious character.
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