Upaya Meningkatan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Agama Islam Dengan Menggunakan Metode Role Playing Pada Siswa Kelas V di SD Negeri 06 Ujan Mas Kabupaten Kepahiang


  • Apriyana SD Negeri 06 Ujan Mas, Kabupaten Kepahiang


Classroom Action Research, Role Playing method, , student learning outcomes


This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes for PAI subjects with the Role Playing method in class V A SD Negeri 06 Ujan Mas in 2020. In accordance with the problems studied, the type of research conducted by researchers is in the form of classroom action research (CAR). PTKv aims to reveal the causes of various problems encountered, especially what is more important is to provide solutions in the form of actions to overcome problems. Where in classroom action research there is participatory and collaborative. Based on the results of research conducted at SD Negeri 06 Ujan Mas, Kepahiang Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year, it can be concluded that the use of the Role Playing method can improve student learning outcomes in PAI subjects, especially on Islamic Cultural History material for VA grade students at SD Negeri 06 Ujan Mas, Kepahiang Regency for the 2019/2020 Academic Year.


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