Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Sentra di TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis Kecamatan Bengkalis


  • Desti Rustiwi TKIT Ibu Harapan, Bengkalis Riau


Based on a preliminary study that the author did at TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis, the author still found the application of the central learning approach to some teachers showing the following symptoms: there are still teachers who have not fully provided full support for children to be active. There are still teachers who have not fully provided full support for children to be creative. There are still teachers who have not fully provided full support for children to become children who dare to make their own decisions. There are still teachers who have not fully made themselves a motivator. There are still teachers who have not fully established themselves as evaluators. There are still teachers who are not fully able to make the rules in playing, so there are some children who do not understand the rules that are made. From some of the symptoms that the authors found, the authors feel interested in conducting further research, namely to find out the extent to which the application of the learning center approach at TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis, Bengkalis District, and what successes can be achieved by teachers in implementing the center learning approach. The subjects in this research are four teachers who hold the center class at TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis, Bengkalis Subdistrict, and the object of the research is what is the point of attention of a study, namely the application of the learning center approach at TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis, Bengkalis Subdistrict. The population in this study were all TKIT teachers, Mrs. Harapan Bengkalis, Bengkalis District, totaling ten (10 people). In order to obtain the data needed in this study, the authors used three techniques, namely conducting observations (observations) either directly or indirectly on the application of the learning center approach, conducting interviews (interviews) with ten (10) teachers and taking appropriate documentation. in the form of SKH 9 (Daily Activity Unit) and photos of children's activities during the application of the learning center approach. Based on the research that the author did, the application of the learning center approach at TKIT Ibu Harapan Bengkalis, Bengkalis District, was quite good. This fact is based on the range of values from the management of quantitative data observation, the number 71.5% is in the range of values from 56% to 75%.


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