Wacana Jihad Masa Kini Telaah Surah At-Taubah Ayat 88


  • ardalena iain curup


Jihad, Sabilillah, Islam


Abstract : This article examines jihad through the letter at-taubah verse 88. Jihad is often understood as a mission to incorporate God's blessing into that dynamic often triggers the emergence of violent religions. Jihad is understood as an order to fight against a group whose ideas are different from the group's, so that such an understanding will lead religious people to become extremists and basic paradigm. Through this research the writer tries to conclude that jihad is not an order to kill or threaten the lives of other non-Muslims. However, jihad in Islam can be interpreted as an order to sue and demand against infidels who insult and fight against Islam, Allah SWT never It is conveyed in the Qur'an to kill and fight non-hostile people Islam, but only to fight the disbelievers who insult Islam and establish Allah's religion on earth. In particular, jihad is different from war and terrorism, jihad is a sincere attempt to exercise the rights of Allah order and there is no kill order in it.

Keywords : Jihad, Sabilillah, Islam


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