Analisis Penerapan Gerakan Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis (Resensi) Siswa Kelas XI di Sekolah Menengah Atas 02 Rejang Lebong Literasi
Literacy movement, writing (review) skill, senior high schoolAbstract
The study focuses on analysis of the application of the school literacy movement to improve literacy writing (reviewer) skill of grade XI students of SMA N 02 Rejang Lebong. Literacy moves are carried out with reading practice for 15 minutes before the start of lessons using various types of books that have been prepared. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of the school literacy movement on writing (reviewer) skill of 30 grade XI students of SMA N 02 Rejang Lebong. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research to systematically describe the facts found based on observation, interview and other document.The objects of this research were teachers and students of SMA N 02 Rejang Lebong and the data collection procedures used were structured existing data, then carrying out data reduction, presenting data, drawing conclusions and the final stage of data analysis. Data validity using persistent triangulation observations. From the research carried out, the following results were obtained: school literacy movement program had a significant effect on the writing (reviewer) skills of grade XI students of SMA N 02 Rejang Lebong. Therefore, it can be concluded that the literacy movement is one way that can be used to improve students writing and reading literacy skills.
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