Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Darul Ulum
Competence, Professional, PAI Teacher, Learning QualityAbstract
The teacher is a learning agent who has a very urgent function in the world of education. Teachers are required to be professional persons in “Knowledge Transfer” learning in schools. Teachers are expected to create an atmosphere that can foster a passion for learning, increase student inquiry motivation, and play a role as uswatun hasnah in shaping students' personalities. This becomes interesting and is a challenge for teachers in improving the quality of learning so that professional skills are able to create challenging, exciting and fun learning. The method in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The author uses the method of observation, interviews and documentation. In this study, the author uses three data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study can be concluded as follows, teachers who have not and have been certified educators at MTS Darul Ilmi Central Lampung have met the criteria for professional teachers and are able to improve the quality of learning. Seen from the mastery of the material he mastered the subject matter taught by means of a lot of reading and understanding even to increase the maturity of understanding the competency standards and basic competencies of the school holding a workshop, namely the MGMP (Subject Teacher Conference) by forming a team according to the subjects taught in this sharing between teachers happens so you can share experiences with teachers who are not certified educators. Not only in terms of mastery of the material but also seen from the skills of teachers in teaching, the use of media, methods, learning resources and even a conducive learning atmosphere that is able to stimulate enthusiasm and motivate students in learning even though online learning is currently online.
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