Pesan Kebaikan Dan Kasih Sayang Studi Surat At- Taubah Ayat 20
compassion, kindnessAbstract
Abstrak : The virtues of jihad are greater in rank, glory, higher position in the dignity of excellence and perfection, greater rewards, enjoying the pleasures of this world, and Allah promises that those who strive will obtain eternal happiness in the hereafter. Those who believe, emigrate and strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and themselves, is of greater rank, has a higher position in the dignity of virtue and perfection, and has a greater reward than those who give drink to those who perform the pilgrimage and prosper the mosque, that some Muslims are of the view that deed is the way to get closer to Allah, the main one. People who get the virtue of migrating and jihad with themselves and their wealth, have higher dignity and glory. A believer who emigrates and strives for jihad is a person who gets the lucky reward from Allah and His glory, not someone who does not have these three characteristics, even though he gives drink to people who perform the pilgrimage and prosper the Grand Mosque. This is because the reward given to the believer is based on these two deeds, not giving a drink, Allah SWT has promised to provide a reward that leads to a life that is in accordance with his sanctity of nature.So that perhaps the search for the meaning of jihad and hijrah in Islam can be an objective perspective to understand the true meaning of jihad and hijrah. This verse shows that those who believe and strive in the cause of Allah in this way will gain higher ranks with Allah. In the message of kindness and compassion contained in this verse, Allah rewards those who are willing to sacrifice for His religion and fight for truth and justice.
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